Thursday, September 25, 2008

First results out of DIALux

On 25 september I program some researches in DIALux. The whole time I found new applications in the program, so some of my deleted researches earlier can now calcultate with DIALux. But not every research is possible now, so look further for a new program that can calculate more complex designs.

Today I research the volume of the space under the ground and the influence of more lightpipes in the roof. My starting point was a space of 4x4x2,8 meter. For the location I used Amsterdam and the date of the calculations is 21 march at 9 o'clock. After every calculation I evaluate the rapport and made some steps to improve the model. The final conclusion for the volume is a cilindrical form, because that form don't loose light in the edges. This weekend I try to get my reseaches in a further development. Monday I will presentate more results, so I try my best. The pictures below shows my progress of today. Because only CAD-files can imported in the program and the long calculationtime, it is a bit less I think, but very hopefull!!!

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